Brain model for AI?

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Hi! I'm new in this field but would like to know whether any
research has been conducted about whether an ai's thinking (process of
thought) could be modeled after that of a human? Or will researchers
decide to model an ai's thinking after a less complicated animal?
I've been thinking about all of the facts vs. the fables and have
no clue what so ever which is which:

-how far has the research gotten?
-what is the estimated time to when technology shall be able to have
an ai?


-- Cio Hollett, December 21, 1999


it would be theoretically possible, based on the idea that neurons are nothing more than bio-electrical conduits used to pass information in the form of electrical impulse. the pathways that exist in electronics, much less computer design work in the same way. based on that, it would be entirely possible to develop a perfect brain model, provided that we could get an accurate map of neural pathways. the design of such a device would have to be 3 dimensional however, and basically would have to built on a microcellular scale, something not entirely impossible. when it comes to the intelligence involved, don't forget that the brain, although very complex itself, still relys upon the other senses to give it information. the brain then would really only function as an intelligent synthesized organism if the entirety of its sense organs were present. or at least in theory..

cx corydon s. cailteux

-- Corydon S. Cailteux, January 7, 2000

Thought as we know it will probably never be realized by an artificial entity. The process of thought requires responses of neural impulses that react electrochemicaly. The neural network could be duplicated by impulses of binary streams in parity but even then It would require 100 super computers inside the space of about the size of your cranium. What is more they would have to operate at their current speed to the exponent of about ten. Even if the time and space for these processes worked out equitably the actual mechanism for 'thought' like our own (or in this case, something approaching a beleivable counterfeit) would have to learn based on experience. For every stream of binary data sent (via say something like Ya Cu Ba O at critical temps) there would have to be a kind of cache set aside for the physical model to 'remember' what had been processed so that future data assessments could be acted on in relation to prior inputs. Some interesting materials and energies that I beleive will augment either the developement or final working model of AI are nickle titanium, Ya Ba Cu O, Light (for reading fiber optic storage devices instead of current 'hard drive' technology. This would greatly increase speed which is undisputably intrinsic in smooth operation of AI.) Signed, Brett

-- Brett Morris, March 11, 2000

I been questioning this myself for a while..

Here is my thought on this subject ..

The brain can model anything it has knowledge of..At present level the brain could not model itself(including how it works; we think we know but we don't) since it does not have complete information about itself. (ourself in this case)..

Another thing to consider is what is the limit of the model(what is your limit..) since we can not concluded that the brain has limit at present level of intelligence. Are you going to model a growable brain(does all brains grow? How?)

About the second question. I believe anything less than (I) for intelligence is a waste of time ..So why do it..

Sorry for being philosophical...but it is worth to give some thought on it before applying any physical work.

-- jun chen, March 22, 2000

I beleive that the human brain can be modeled exactly. Theoretically it is posible to place the same matter in a reletive location, there for making an exact copy, but as we know the human brain cannot survive on its own. If an electrical copy is made then the concept of a propetually dynamic system is lost. If transistors, comparators, and capacitors are used, then they do not have the dynamic capabilities of a electrochemical composition.


-- Slava Persion, December 18, 2000