online ground school

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As a lover of aviation residing in Greece, i will like to have my
ground lessons online through the Kings school, this is partly due
to my financial contrain and also my tight schedule. Is there any
way, i could do my FAA writing exams in Greece without having to pay
instructor for any recommendation. I will also like to have my
flight training in US, kindly, advise me which ones are good, cheap
and fast.

-- Adeshina George Ayodele, October 3, 2005


If you do the King course they give you a certificate that you can use to take an FAA knowledge test. You won't need an instructor sign-off. I'm not sure whether CATS or Laser Grade has testing centers in Europe (check their Web sites). Flight schools in the U.S.? A lot depends on what time of year you are coming. If in December the various places in Florida and California are good because the weather is reliable. If in fall or spring there are plenty of good inexpensive schools in the Midwest. In the summer I would do my training up in Maine.

-- Philip Greenspun, October 5, 2005