Rebuilt plane after “bird strike”: safe for long flight?

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I have a long (3 day) cross-country scheduled in an SR 20. I am
assured that, after a two month (at least) repair job frm what i am
told was a bird strike, it will be ready just before we leave. The
trip combines work with instruction (New York to Cincinnati, next day
Pittsburg, then Chicago then back to NYC). I�m told they had to take
the engine off, repair a bunch of plastic etc.
Any thoughts on taking a plane that has just been repaired out on a
trip like this? How many hours would you want to see on the plane
before you flew it, or is it generally ok right out of the shop,
assuming decent quality mechanics worked on it? Would you as to look
at the log to see what really happened?

Perhaps I�m paranoid, but better safe then sorry� Thoughts welcome!

-- fabio savoldelli, October 24, 2008


If the plane came back from two or three local missions with no squawks, I would be happy to take it. Remember that every flight is only one takeoff and one landing, regardless of whether you go 10 miles or 800 miles in between. You're not going over any challenging terrain or water. Even a brand-new Cirrus would not be guaranteed to make this trip on a schedule.

-- Philip Greenspun, October 24, 2008

I believe you're be fine. The aircraft wouldn't be signed off for return to sevice if it wasn't airworthy. What is the alternative? Staying within safe gliding distance of an airport for the first few hours? Give it a good pre-flight. You'll be ok.

-- Mark Dalton, October 24, 2008

A pilot comfortable with testing an airplane should test it after a major repair. Regardless of what the mechanic thinks, until the airplane is actually flown, you really don't know if it's 100% ready.

I have personally found defects upon doing test flights, or just taxiing a newly-repaired airplane.

-- James B, April 19, 2010