What is the fair value of an R-22

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I'm a student in an R22 and I'm considering the purchase of one. The
R-22 I'm looking at has 1150 hours, 1 owner and is a 2000 Beta II
model. Any ideas on a fair offer? Any concerns or unexpected
expenses I might want to consider when trying to figure the offer
i.e the 12 year overhaul, etc... Clear Skies, joesky

-- Joe Shulsky, February 27, 2010


Before the Collapse of 2008, the machine would have been worth $50,000 as a run-out. Overhaul reserve is about $60 per hour (Robinson says $51 but they underestimate everything). If you're going to fly 200 hours/year, you've got about 400 hours to use it so it would be worth $70,000 to you. A very busy flight school might be able to offer more because they could run it 500 hours/year and not bump up against the 12- year limit.

-- Philip Greenspun, February 27, 2010

To your follow-up message below... I'm happy to help out, but I'm not a dealer and I'm not in the market for an R22 so I doubt that I will be a useful source of leads.

-- Philip Greenspun, February 27, 2010

thanks Phil, if you see a good under 100K; let me know. Would you mind coaching me through this if I have more questions? The R22 is a blast to fly!

-- Joe Shulsky, February 27, 2010

Hi Philip: What would your opinion and value be on a 2005 R-22, it just finished its major overhaul and now has 170hrs. It my understanding its one of the Silver State Helicopters, so the first 2200 hrs was used for training. What would be your concerns and do you think this would be a good craft if its now been overhauled? Thanks for your help. joesky

-- Joe Shulsky, March 2, 2010