Reader's Comments

on Thoughts on Writing
Are there any other new hopefuls who are interested in writing...on the web, books, magazines, on graffiti? I'm interested in developing this new possibility and want to hear from any other hopefuls (or depressed, hopeless), or crusty, jaded, suave or (and I bow at this!) Published Authors (!!!) I know I'm waiting to hear....!

-- sharon j., April 2, 1998

I suppose it's the narcissism of these "Thoughts on Writing" I find so appealing. (Or maybe the naked--woman--obscuring--bookshelf photo under the link "a list of books I've found rewarding." Somehow I think the last line of this delicious narcissist's online resume may shed some light on the unintended metaphorical quality of this photo and his overall stance on the life of an artist/writer versus the life of a wealthy computer geek: "Never Married." Has this lack, and I'm being presumptuous here, of "good relations with the right woman," which D.H Lawrence noted as primary, caused philg to divorce himself from simple things, i.e. art and the "garret," and bury himself in pathetic (pathos being the root here) self adornment, i.e. Viking stove and Acura NSEX? Just a theory.) I think a quote is in order: "An enlightenment which requires to be authenticated, certified, recognized, congratulated, is a false, or at least an incomplete one." --Zen and Zen Classics, R.H. Blyth via Raise High the Roofbeam Carpenters, J.D. Salinger. Well, in the case of philg all of this is NULL AND VOID! His strange and beautiful composits read like parsnip from the buttocks of Mother Theresa, (dead OR alive.) You go philg! Take us all for a ride in that fabulous car. Plant the Ars Digita Community System in the ass of the daily violence committed against children by parents lacking basic human skills and the world will truly be more profitable. (There may be a government grant here, not mention awards and statues.)Imagine, with the Ars Digita Community System planted in the ass of daily violence committed against children, not only will the world be a healthier place, but we'll have easily modified modules to keep track of the pain and suffering and send automated e-mails to social workers around the world informing them their jobs are no longer necessary AND we can use the chat module to pat each other on the back. What's more it's all OPEN SOURCE! The whole world can port the AD system into the asses of their daily violence committed against children absolutely FREE! If only Dostoevsky had forsaken the garret, the world would have had a technological fix planted in the ass of daily violence against children in the 19th century. Thanks philg, YOUR narcissism is inspirational.

-- Joe Short, February 8, 2000

"If you write for God, you will reach many people and bring them joy. If you write for people, you may make some money and you may give someone a little joy and you may make a noise in the world for a little while. If you write for yourself, you can read what you yourself have written and after ten minutes you will be so disgusted you will wish you were dead."

-- Thomas Merton

-- Max Ernst, March 21, 2000

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