Reader's Comments

on How to Land an Airplane
I am sure Philip is right that a low angle of approach is safest for the recreational pilot. There is no question that this is the easiest way to land a plane.

As someone who learned to fly gliders first, this mode of landing takes does however take the fun out of it. Much more entertaining is to approach the numbers at 1000' AGL on final, then turn to exclaim to your passengers, "Oh my, it looks like it is time to drop this puppy." Then dial in full flaps and enter a steep dive with fully crossed controls approaching 100 knots if flying a 172. The angle and speed of the descent (2,000 fpm?) ensures that the ground will loom up in a way that results in paralyzing fear in most passengers, especially those experiencing a light plane ride for the first time. Many will never fly in a small plane again and thus measurably improve their life expectancy. Small planes are indeed rather dangerous.

-- Bruce McHenry, September 14, 2010

Hi there, my name is Marcos and I am a FI. I want to say that I really enjoyed reading your review about flying.

But I'm not writing to congratulate you, just to clarify that there are more things involved when I teach my students how to fly... Think about how scared you were on your first approach??? It's true and old RAF pilots will teach to fly in such a manner that if your engine fails your chances of "making it" are the best for you and your pax. And at least me, if that is what I teach my conscious would be ok.

Have you been during your training short on final, very high, short on speed or too fast and your instructor had to take control ???? Well , that's what is about, better with me than on your own.Learn to fail or fail to learn.

I felt a bit offended(joking), there is more behind that what you think, at least in my case. Also your approach at 100 fpm to make it more comfortable is good only if there is no terrain ( u come flatter),

being honest with you a 70 % or more of the instructors I know are not looking after students (so you are right), 15% don't know how to instruct and the rest are good. If you think you don't fly enough time as it to happen to you it's your choice. Look, putting your nose down shouldn't scare you having a good understanding on momentum " altitude is money in your bank , speed is cash in your pocket" , but you like me are humans and it's scary like your first approach but then becomes no scary anymore. I am teaching single engines and prob. it is what most private pilots fly; well there isn't much too say S.E. .... Won't talk about Murphys law !!! Haha never happened to me but... I will be ready if...! I mean , it's not dangerous, doing aerobatics isn't dangerous either. Well hope no one will get offended and... Good flight gentelmen !

-- Mark DF, March 25, 2013

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