Costa Rica, Netscape Explanation
I had mixed feelings about making a Netscape-only site. Netscape
has the following deficiencies:
- Dog slow on Macintosh, even with native PowerMac version on
PowerMac 8100.
- Bugs in JPEG decompression that sometimes make large JPEGs
unviewable (version 1.1). [If you are using Netscape 1.0, you'll find
that the program crashes with some of my larger pages.]
I saw the following advantages:
- more and more of my readers are dialing in over 14.4 or 28.8
modems; in-line JPEGs are 30% to 50% of the size of in-line GIFs and
therefore transmission time can be greatly reduced.
- HTML 2.0 is a horribly impoverished language that breaks an
author's heart every time. Netscape's extensions are a little like
putting a Band-Aid on a machine gun wound, but they are better than
nothing. I've written more on the subject.
- Netscape sets the de facto standards right now. Eventually all
the other browsers will be forced to interpret the Netscape
extensions, as indeed most have.
If you don't have Netscape, consider downloading it
now. After all, it is mostly free.