What do you do for a living?
I'm a radiologist. (2) | 39618 | 17%
I'm an anesthesiologist. (2) | 37549 | 16%
I'm a graduate student in physics. (-5) | 81864 | 36%
I'm an anesthesiologist/radiologist. (4) | 71468 | 31%
What do you like to do in your free time?
I enjoy watching Star Trek and reading science fiction novels. (-4) | 37261 | 17%
I spend most weekends racing on my uncle's yacht. (2) | 73977 | 34%
I like to upgrade my Microsoft-brand (TM) desktop software. (-6) | 20661 | 10%
Sometimes I go to the ski condo that I share with the other partners in my corporate law firm. (2) | 82913 | 39%
Are you free on Sunday?
Let's go to the Museum of Fine Arts! (2) | 152287 | 73%
I'm having a belching contest during the Patriots/49ers game. Want to come? You can make nachos for the guys and keep the beer pitcher full. (-4) | 24866 | 12%
I'll be writing some database-backed Web site software over at 545 Technology Square. Want to look over my shoulder? (-10) | 30411 | 15%
What are your favorite movies?
When Harry Met Sally was so insipid that I fell asleep. I really like Jackie Chan and Steven Segal. (-2) | 29901 | 15%
Casablanca; no contest. Though it hurts me to leave out Breakfast at Tiffany's. (3) | 145504 | 73%
I'm not sure if Star Trek IV was the greatest film ever made because Star Trek II was so good. (-3) | 24366 | 12%
What do you think society should do about AIDS?
Funny you should ask because I was just discussing this with some of the fellows down at the bathhouse. (-8) | 21165 | 11%
I think the AIDS epidemic story is overplayed. I really like to explore the bisexual aspects of my personality. (-6) | 20434 | 11%
It is a horrible plague; I almost cried thinking about it two weeks ago when I was down at the Red Cross donating blood (for the 25th time). (5) | 121592 | 64%
It is preventable if you're careful. Last time I shot smack with a friend, we both wore condoms. (-3) | 27904 | 15%
What do you like to read?
The novelizations of the early Star Trek scripts really move me but there just aren't enough of them so I like to read Larry Niven. (-3) | 14738 | 8%
WiRED magazine keeps me on the cutting edge. (-6) | 35009 | 19%
I just love Barbara Kingsolver and Danielle Steele. (2) | 96293 | 53%
I read Playboy (for the articles). (-1) | 35119 | 19%
What's the biggest problem that you're trying to work through right now?
I bought so much Xerox Corporation stock in 1960 that now it is really difficult for me to diversify my portfolio (6) | 88914 | 63%
My mom recently moved to Florida and it is kind of tough to cook my own meals and iron my own shirts after 46 years of 24x7 nurturing. (-4) | 25485 | 18%
I can't get my doctor (Dr. Olin Shivers) to prescribe enough Viagra. (-10) | 27781 | 20%
Tell me about your family.
I come from the same Seattle banking family as Bill Gates. I got the same million dollar trust fund at birth as he did, but I haven't done quite as well. (4) | 49207 | 45%
My family has always valued knowledge. We have Ph.D.s, graduate students, professors. We'll never be wealthy but we're rich in learning. (-4) | 44158 | 40%
We keep hoping to get the whole family back together but it is tough what with Charlie being in prison in California and all. You should have seen a Manson family reunion back in the good old days. (-2) | 16645 | 15%
Will you come shopping with me?
Great, I've been meaning to get back over to the mall. I need to make sure that some loser hasn't broken my Mortal Kombat record at the arcade. (-5) | 15932 | 17%
OK. Let's make sure we have at least three hours because I know how important it is for all your new items to color-coordinate.
(3) | 63259 | 68%
Absolutely. I think Home Depot is open until 10pm. We can decide whether to splurge on a Makita power screwdriver. I've been thinking about getting a band saw also. (-2) | 14391 | 15%
If I gained 10 lbs would you still find me attractive?
If you went to the beach, I bet little kids would shout out "Free Willy". (-4) | 13428 | 15%
Remember that what's inside of you doesn't matter because nobody can see it.
(-1) | 17763 | 20%
You're so tall and have such beautiful bone structure, nobody would notice if you gained 20 lbs. (2) | 55684 | 64%
If someone gave you a big stack of hundred dollar bills and said that you had to spend it to make someone else happy, what would you spend it on?
I'd buy a 32-inch Sony XBR-squared direct-view TV, then invite my poker buddies over to watch Monday night football. (-4) | 13319 | 16%
I'd go down to Tiffany's and buy you a 2-carat flawless diamond ring. (4) | 60208 | 75%
I'd donate it to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio. (-3) | 7231 | 9%
Who is supposed to pay for an evening out?
I always insist on going Dutch because I'd hate for a woman to feel obligated to sleep with me. (-3) | 15357 | 23%
I try to go Dutch, but if a woman has sex with me later in the evening, I usually reimburse her for the half that she paid. (-6) | 11547 | 17%
Ever since Merrill-Lynch took my company public, I've always paid for dinner. It would be ridiculous to ask a woman to take me out. (3) | 41175 | 60%