
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
im_allocation_date_optionlist   db   { start_block "" }   { start_of_larger_unit_p "" }   { number_months_ahead "18" }
What it does:
Returns an optionlist of valid allocation start dates. If start_of_larger_unit_p is t/f, then we limit to those blocks matching t/f. Number_months_ahead specified the number of months of start blocks from today to include. This is great for limiting the size of select bars. Specifying a negative value includes all of the start blocks.
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/intranet-defs.tcl

Source code:

    if { [empty_string_p $start_of_larger_unit_p] } {
	set start_p_sql ""
    } else {
	set start_p_sql " and start_of_larger_unit_p='$start_of_larger_unit_p' "
    if { $number_months_ahead >= 0 } {
	set number_months_sql ""
    } else {
	set number_months_sql " and start_block <= add_months(sysdate, '$number_months_ahead') "
    # Only go as far as 1 year into the future to save space
    return [ad_db_optionlist $db  "select to_char(start_block,'Month YYYY'), start_block 
               from im_start_blocks 
              where 1=1 $number_months_sql $start_p_sql
              order by start_block asc" $start_block]