
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
static_get_comments_and_links   db   url_stub   { post_body "" }
What it does:
Returns a list of comment_bytes link_bytes options_list comment_option link_option or the empty string if this page isn't registered in the database
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/ad-html.tcl

Source code:

    set user_id [ad_get_user_id]
    set selection [ns_db 0or1row $db "select page_id,accept_comments_p,accept_links_p,inline_comments_p,inline_links_p from static_pages where url_stub = '[DoubleApos $url_stub]'"]
    if { $selection == "" } {
	# this page isn't registered in the database so we can't
	# accept comments on it or anything
	ns_log Notice "Someone grabbed $url_stub but we weren't able to offer a comment link because this page isn't registered in the db"
	return ""
    } else {
	set options_list [list]
	set comment_bytes ""
	if { $inline_comments_p == "t" } {
	    # we display comments in-line
	    set selection [ns_db select $db "select comments.comment_id, comments.page_id, comments.user_id as poster_user_id, users.first_names || ' ' || users.last_name as user_name, message, posting_time, html_p, client_file_name, file_type, original_width, original_height, caption
	    from static_pages sp, comments_not_deleted comments, users
	    where sp.page_id = comments.page_id
	    and comments.user_id = users.user_id
	    and comments.page_id = $page_id
	    and comments.comment_type = 'alternative_perspective'
	    order by posting_time"]
	    set at_least_one_comment_found_p 0
	    while { [ns_db getrow $db $selection] } {
		set at_least_one_comment_found_p 1
		append comment_bytes "<blockquote>
		[format_static_comment $comment_id $client_file_name $file_type $original_width $original_height $caption $message $html_p]
		if { $user_id == $poster_user_id} {
		    # the user wrote the message, so let him/her edit it
		    append comment_bytes " &nbsp; \[ <A HREF=\"/comments/persistent-edit?comment_id=$comment_id\">edit your comment</a> \]\n"
		append comment_bytes "<br><br>\n
-- <A HREF=\"/shared/community-member?user_id=$poster_user_id\">$user_name</a>"
		append comment_bytes ", [util_AnsiDatetoPrettyDate $posting_time]"
		append comment_bytes "</blockquote>\n"
	if { $accept_comments_p == "t" && $inline_comments_p == "t" } {
	    # we only display the option if we're inlining comments; 
	    # we assume that if the comments aren't in line but are legal
	    # then the publisher has an explicit link 
	    set comment_option "<a href=\"/comments/add?page_id=$page_id\">Add a comment</a>"
	    lappend options_list $comment_option
	} else {
	    set comment_option ""

	# links
	set link_bytes ""
	if { $inline_links_p == "t" } {
	    set selection [ns_db select $db "select links.page_id, links.user_id as poster_user_id, users.first_names || ' ' || users.last_name as user_name, links.link_title, links.link_description, links.url
	    from static_pages sp, links, users
	    where sp.page_id = links.page_id
	    and users.user_id = links.user_id
	    and links.page_id = $page_id
	    and status = 'live'
	    order by posting_time"]
	    while { [ns_db getrow $db $selection] } {
		append link_bytes "<li><a href=\"$url\" rel=\"nofollow\">$link_title</a>- $link_description"

		if { $user_id == $poster_user_id} {
		    # the user added, so let him/her edit it
		    append link_bytes "&nbsp;&nbsp;(<A HREF=\"/links/edit?page_id=$page_id&url=[ns_urlencode $url]\">edit/delete</a>)"
		} else {
		    # the user did not add it, link to the community_member page
		    append link_bytes "&nbsp;&nbsp;  <font size=-1>(contributed by <A HREF=\"/shared/community-member?user_id=$poster_user_id\">$user_name</a>)</font>"
		append link_bytes "\n<p>\n"
	if { $accept_links_p == "t" && $inline_links_p == "t" } {
	    # we only display the option if we're inlining links; 
	    # we assume that if the links aren't in line but are legal
	    # then the publisher has an explicit link 
	    set link_option "<a href=\"/links/add?page_id=$page_id\">Add a link</a>"
	    lappend options_list $link_option
	} else {
	    set link_option ""
    return [list $comment_bytes $link_bytes $options_list $comment_option $link_option]