East Coast Aero Club Instructor Training
by Philip Greenspun and Kasim Te; revised July 2009
Developed for students at East Coast Aero Club which operated under FAR Part 141 from July 2008 through July 2010.
Site Home : Flying : Helicopter 141 : One Item
This syllabus is designed to meet the requirements of FAR 141.79,
which mandates recurrent training for flight instructors at a Part 141
Ground Training
- review of FAR 91, including .13, .15, .119, .131, .146, .155(b), and .157
- review of FAR 141, with an emphasis on recordkeeping requirements
- review of our school's safety policy
- review of our school's lesson plans, with an emphasis on the overall structure of each course
- review of teaching techniques, using our in-flight helicopter
teaching document as a reference
- discussion of which maneuvers require special emphasis during flight training
Flight Training
- Air taxi
- Quick stop
- Normal pattern
- Max performance takeoff and steep approach
- Slope operations
- autorotations and simulated engine failures
- simulated IMC, at least 0.2 hours, and preferably an ILS with a missed approach into a hold
- hover autorotations
- systems failures, including governor-off and hydraulics failure (if in an R44)
- additional maneuvers agreed upon during ground training