Flight Training Lesson 6
1.0 Hour Dual; Pre/Post Flight Discussion 0.75 Hours
by Philip Greenspun and Kasim Te; revised August 2006
Developed for students at East Coast Aero Club which operated under FAR Part 141 from July 2008 through July 2010.
Site Home : Flying : Helicopter 141 : Private : One Item
Become proficient with normal and crosswind takeoffs, pattern work, and landings. Become proficient with all types of hovering and air/hover taxiing.
- Vertical takeoff to a hover
- Vertical landing from a hover
- Stationary Hover
- Normal/crosswind departure and approach
- Pattern work
- Hovering forward, backward, and sideways
- Hovering around a pattern on the ground, in various orientations
- Hover taxi
- Straight-in autorotations
- Go-arounds
- 0-30 minutes: Drive to helicopter hangar and preflight inspection
- 30-40: Startup
- 40-55: Student air/hover taxis to Taxiway Whiskey or Romeo for hover practice
- 55-70: Pattern work
- 70-80: Hover practice
- 80-90: Pattern work
- 90-110: Put helicopter away, return to classroom
- 110-120: Discussion
- FAA Rotorcraft Flying Handbook
- Robinson R22/R44 Helicopter
- R22/R44 P.O.H.
Completion Standards
Student should be able to takeoff without any assistance from the
instructor, and do at least 50 percent of approaches and landings
without assistance. Student should be able to maintain altitude +/-
100' when straight and level and +/- 200' in turns, airspeed should be
controled within +/- 10 knots, and heading should be maintained +/- 15
degrees. During climbs and descents the level off will be accomplished
within 150 feet of the assigned altitude, airspeed will be maintained
within +/- 10 kts, and heading within +/- 15 degrees. Student should
be progressing toward holding a hover for longer than 1 minute in
winds of 8 knots or less.
Student should be able to takeoff into and land from a hover without
sideward or rearward drift and with minimal instructor correction.
Instructor's Evaluation and Recommendations:
Flight Training Record, Lesson 6
Any deviations from the completion standards should be noted in previous section.
After completing a maneuver listed under Introduction, place a check mark next to that maneuver.
Assign grades of Above Standard, Meets Standard, or Below Standard to maneuvers listed under Review.
- Student Name:
- Instructor Name/CFI#/expiration:
- Date of Lesson:
- Aircraft Type/Registration:
- Route of Flight:
- Number of Landings:
- Hours Dual/Solo:
- Hours Cross-Country:
- Hours Night:
- Hours Simulated Instrument: