Flight Training Lesson 11
1.25 Hours Dual; Pre/Post Flight Discussion 0.75 Hours
by Philip Greenspun and Kasim Te; revised August 2006
Developed for students at East Coast Aero Club which operated under FAR Part 141 from July 2008 through July 2010.
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Continue building proficiency in any area(s) of weakness as determined by the instructor. The student will become proficient at controlling the glide phase of a straight-in autorotation.
- Quick stops (rapid decelerations)
- Hover autorotations
- System and equipment malfunctions (emphasis on oil pressure, engine fire/failure, chip and temp lights)
- Simulated engine failure at altitude
- 0-30 minutes: Discussion of autorotation aerodynamics; explanation of the link between quick stops and autorotations
- 30-60 minutes: Drive to helicopter hangar and preflight inspection
- 60-70: Startup
- 70-80: Student air/hover taxis to Taxiway Whiskey or Romeo for hover practice
- 80-90: Air taxi and quick stop at Hanscom (repeat)
- 90-97: Depart to suitable practice area
- 97-118: Climb to 3000' AGL and then autorotate down to 500', recovering, and returning to a climb (repeat)
- 118-125: Return to Hanscom
- 125-135: Hover autorotations on the East Ramp just before returning to the hangar
- 135-145: Put helicopter away
- 145-155: Discussion
- FAA Rotorcraft Flying Handbook
- Robinson R22/R44 Helicopter
- R22/R44 P.O.H.
Completion Standards
The student will gain an understanding of autorotations and should be able to enter an autorotation without substantial changes to the aircraft's attitude or trim. During the glide, the student should be able to hold airspeed at (R22) 65 knots +/-10 knots or (R44) 70 knots +/-10 knots, and rotor RPM should be maintained within the green arc. The student will show progress in any area(s) of weakness and will further improve control coordination in quick stops.
Instructor's Evaluation and Recommendations:
Flight Training Record, Lesson 11
Any deviations from the completion standards should be noted in previous section.
After completing a maneuver listed under Introduction, place a check mark next to that maneuver.
Assign grades of Above Standard, Meets Standard, or Below Standard to maneuvers listed under Review.
- Student Name:
- Instructor Name/CFI#/expiration:
- Date of Lesson:
- Aircraft Type/Registration:
- Route of Flight:
- Number of Landings:
- Hours Dual/Solo:
- Hours Cross-Country:
- Hours Night:
- Hours Simulated Instrument: