Flight Training Lesson 16
1.5 Hour Dual; Pre/Post Flight Discussion 0.75 Hours
by Philip Greenspun and Kasim Te; revised August 2006
Developed for students at East Coast Aero Club which operated under FAR Part 141 from July 2008 through July 2010.
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Student will review all pre-solo maneuvers in preparation for the Stage I flight check and first supervised solo.
- Preflight preparation and visual inspection
- Startup procedures
- Before takeoff engine checks and flow check
- Radio communications
- Vertical takeoff to a hover
- Hovering: stationary, sideward, forward, backward, and pedal turns
- Air taxi
- Quick stops
- Straight and level flight, and turns in both directions
- Climbs, climbing turns
- Descents with and without turns
- Airport operations and traffic patterns
- Collision, wind shear, and wake turbulence avoidance
- Normal/crosswind approach to hover
- Simulated engine failures
- Governor-failure/governor-off operations
- System and equipment malfunctions
- Vertical landing from a hover
- Shutdown procedures
- None
- 0-30 minutes: Drive to helicopter hangar and preflight inspection
- 30-40: Startup
- 40-45: Student air/hover taxis to Taxiway Whiskey or Romeo
- 45-55: Hover work
- 55-60: Air taxi and quick stop
- 60-65: Pattern with normal takeoff and approach, low rotor RPM recovery on downwind
- 65-80: Patterns with simulated engine failures (power recovery)
- 80-90: Hover autorotation(s) and shutdown
- 90-110: Put helicopter away
- 110-120: Discussion
- FAA Rotorcraft Flying Handbook
- Robinson R22/R44 Helicopter
- R22/R44 P.O.H.
Completion Standards
During normal departures, the student shall maintain proper attitude control and desired heading within +/- 15 degrees. During normal approaches, proper approach angles will be maintained smoothly with only minor corrections and a suitable rate of closure. The approach shall be terminated within +/-3 feet of the desired location. Power failure at altitude entries shall be smooth, exercising proper attitude, pedal trim, and RPM control. The student will lower the collective immediately, and subsequently as necessary, to prevent the rotor RPM from decaying below allowable power-off RPM limits. During rapid decelerations, the student shall initiate the maneuver without excessive ballooning, decelerate and terminate in a stationary hover at the recommended hovering altitude, and maintain heading +/- 10 degrees. The student shall recognize simulated antitorque system failure in a hover or cruising flight and take immediate and proper action.
Instructor's Evaluation and Recommendations:
Flight Training Record, Lesson 16
Any deviations from the completion standards should be noted in previous section.
After completing a maneuver listed under Introduction, place a check mark next to that maneuver.
Assign grades of Above Standard, Meets Standard, or Below Standard to maneuvers listed under Review.
- Student Name:
- Instructor Name/CFI#/expiration:
- Date of Lesson:
- Aircraft Type/Registration:
- Route of Flight:
- Number of Landings:
- Hours Dual/Solo:
- Hours Cross-Country:
- Hours Night:
- Hours Simulated Instrument: