Flight Training Lesson 29
2.0 Hours Dual Cross-Country; Pre/Post Flight Discussion 0.75 Hours
by Philip Greenspun and Kasim Te; revised August 2006
Developed for students at East Coast Aero Club which operated under FAR Part 141 from July 2008 through July 2010.
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The student will review and build proficiency in cross-country preflight planning and operations in preparation for solo cross-country flight.
- Preflight cross-country planning
- Weather briefing
- Course selection
- Cross-country flight log
- VFR flight plan
- Class B, C, D, E, and G airspace operations
- Air Traffic Control procedures
- Departure and arrival routes
- Transitioning class B, C, and D airspace
- Navigation via pilotage, dead reckoning, and GPS
- Navigation systems and radar services
- Diversion
- Reasons for diversion
- Airport selection
- Estimating time enroute and fuel burn
- Lost procedures
- Heading selection
- Proceeding to last known position
- Proceeding to nearest prominent landmark
- Altitude selection
- Climb VFR as appropriate
- Best altitude for communication
- Best altitude for chart interpretation
- Lost communications and obtaining assistance (Discussion)
- ATC facility - frequencies and services
- FSS facility - frequencies and services
- Navaids - communications and navigation
- Transponder operation
- Emergency landing en route
- Deteriorating weather
- Low fuel
- Area selection
- -30-0 minutes: Student plans cross-country trip
- 0-30: Drive to helicopter hangar, preflight inspection, and instructor review of cross-country planning
- 30-40: Startup
- 40-115: Student navigates to Plum Island (2B2) and back to Hanscom (KBED)
- 115-120: Shutdown
- 120-140: Put helicopter away
- 140-155: Discussion
- Robinson R22/R44 Helicopter
- R22/R44 P.O.H.
Completion Standards
The student should be able to plan and navigate following the preplanned course, with no instructor assistance, from KBED to the destination airport (2B2 or as selected by instructor). The student should be able to navigate using pilotage and dead reackoning as outlined in the Private Pilot Rotorcraft Practical Test Standards, and using the Direct-To function of the GPS mounted in the training helicopter. Student should be able to handle controlled and non-controlled airspace communications with minimal instructor assistance. Student should gain a thorough understanding of diversion and lost procedures.
Instructor's Evaluation and Recommendations:
Flight Training Record, Lesson 29
Any deviations from the completion standards should be noted in previous section.
After completing a maneuver listed under Introduction, place a check mark next to that maneuver.
Assign grades of Above Standard, Meets Standard, or Below Standard to maneuvers listed under Review.
- Student Name:
- Instructor Name/CFI#/expiration:
- Date of Lesson:
- Aircraft Type/Registration:
- Route of Flight:
- Number of Landings:
- Hours Dual/Solo:
- Hours Cross-Country:
- Hours Night:
- Hours Simulated Instrument: