Ground Training Lesson 4
2.0 Hours Ground
by Philip Greenspun and Kasim Te; revised August 2006
Developed for students at East Coast Aero Club which operated under FAR Part 141 from July 2008 through July 2010.
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During this lesson the student will continue to gain an understanding of the principles of helicopter flight.
- Hovering Flight
- Lift and thrust resultant
- Weight and drag
- Axis of rotation
- Coning
- Lift
- Centrifugal force
- Blade flapping
- Coriolis effect
- Translating tendency or drift
- Direction of airflow
- Ground effect
- Forward, sideward and rearward hovering
- Lift and thrust resultant
- Weight and drag
- Gyroscopic precession
- Pendular action
- Forward Flight
- Lift and thrust resultant
- Weight and drag
- Translating lift
- Dissymmetry of lift
- Transverse flow effect
- Effective Translational Lift (ETL)
- Retreating blade stall
- Causes
- Correction
- Loss of tail rotor effectiveness
Completion Standards
This lesson will be complete, when by oral examination, the student displays an understanding of the material presented.
Instructor's Evaluation and Recommendations: