Lunch at Nashua
by Philip Greenspun; revised April 2005
Site Home : Flying : Private Pilot Instruction : One Item
Student becomes familiar with using an airplane for transportation,
emphasizing fun and convenience. Student becomes comfortable with the
flight controls and learns to control the airplane in
straight-and-level flight.
- flight planning, weight and balance
- use of checklists
- intro to radio communications
- taxiing
- takeoff and climb-out
- airport traffic patterns
- turns
- scanning for traffic
- approach and landing
- parking and tie-down
- looking at the chart
- back-of-envelope fuel calculation (10 minutes to ASH; 4 hours of
fuel on board, should be okay)
- checking weather for BED and ASH
- checking runway length and orientation at ASH
- discussion of airport traffic patterns
- preflighting the airplane
- passenger briefing
- checking ATIS/calling Hanscom Ground
- brake check
- run-up checklist
- pre-takeoff checklist
- pilot briefing (rotation speed, heading to fly, who takes controls in emergency)
- takeoff, turn toward practice area, climb, level out at 2500
- straight and level, watching the cowl against the horizon
- turns while trying to hold altitude
- strategies for scanning for traffic
- getting ATIS from Nashua (125.10) then switching to tower (133.20)
- draw a picture of Nashua airport, where we are, what pattern entry
we are likely to be assigned
- descend towards Nashua
- call Nashua Tower 10 miles out
- hold airspeed with attitude, control altitude with throttle in
- arrest descent by adding throttle, reducing airspeed
- instructor takes over on base leg, just before turning final at
around 500' AGL
- student is reminded to keep looking far down the runway
- use of after-landing checklist; contacting Nashua Ground to taxi
to parking
- lunch at cafe; tour of Wings pilot shop
- fly back to Hanscom via practice area (if the student has the
energy and time this can be the second lesson)
We explicitly leave out the following: extensive student pre-flight,
flight planning, VFR flight plan filing, opening, and closing.
- 0-30 minutes: planning in the lounge
- 30-45: pre-flight and getting settled in the airplane
- 45-60: taxiing out and running up
- 60-75: taking off and flying around in the practice area
- 75-85: descending to, approaching and landing at Nashua
- 85-90: parking
- 90-135: lunch and discussion
- 135-150: tour of Wings pilot shop
- 150-170: quick pre-flight, taxi out, and run up
- 170-180: fly back to Bedford
- 180-195: park and secure airplane
- 195-210: evaluation and discussion
Total time: 3:30!
- New York Sectional
- Fuel strainer
- telephone to call Flight Service or Internet connection
- headsets
- clipboard
- pen
- scratch paper
- airplane
- print-outs of the following tasks:
Instructor Actions
The instructor does all of the first pre-flight, with the student
observing. The instructor helps the student with takeoffs and does
the final 500' of both landings. The instructor makes radio calls on
tower frequencies.
Student Actions
The student does the second (abbreviated) pre-flight and most of the
manipulation of the flight controls. The student makes the radio
calls on ground control frequencies.
Completion Standards
Altitude within 200 feet; heading within 20 degrees.
Reading Assignment
Jeppesen Private Pilot Manual Part II "Flight Operations"
(charts, airspace, airports)