Everglades National Park

by Philip Greenspun

Home : Philip's Corner : Old Exhibits : One Section

All of these were taken in the Everglades National Park (one hour south of Miami, Florida) with a Nikon 8008 camera, Nikon 300mm lens, and tripod with ballhead.

All the originals were on Kodak Ektar 25 or Fuji Velvia film, then scanned to PhotoCD, and loaded into Adobe PhotoShop 3.0 using the Kodak CMS system. The pictures were cropped in PhotoShop, improved with the "Auto Levels" command in most cases, then saved to JPEG on the "medium" quality setting.

Alligators can be subtle.
They gather here around the Anhinga Trail
In the dry winter because this is where
birds feed, including the
beautiful Anhinga, which swims underwater and spears fish with its sharp bill
then rests in a tree and spreads its wings to dry for 20 minutes.
The Great Blue Heron watches for fish
then spreads its wings

(sorry this and the next one are out of focus, but I didn't take too many heron pictures)

and flies away.
Sometimes the Everglades are simply mysterious.
Pictures copyright 1991 Philip Greenspun and are also available as large prints for your wall.
