PhotoCD Index

George by the Charles River Basin Glen Canyon Dam (Arizona/Utah border) Sign above the bumper cars building at Glen Echo (Maryland) amusement park, now run by the National Park Service Part of the carousel at Glen Echo (Maryland) amusement park, now run by the National Park Service Goats in Monument Valley (Arizona/Utah border), part of the Navajo Nation Monument Valley (Arizona/Utah border), part of the Navajo Nation Professional stingray guy feeding stingray in Stingray City, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands Philip feeding stingray in Stingray City, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands Dave and Rhonda, Canadians vacationing in the Cayman Islands Troy, captain of the submarine on which I rode in the Cayman Islands Stern of the Kirk Pride, wrecked off Grand Cayman Wheelhouse of the Kirk Pride, wrecked off Grand Cayman The front of my friend Bob's house on Grand Cayman The porch at my friend Bob's house on Grand Cayman Republican Platform, a photo I took during the 1992 presidential campaign when women's rights groups were upset by the Republicans' rhetoric