<% Response.Buffer = True %> Arthur Andersen - Best Practices Awards: <%= ToolName %> quiz <% Dim ToolName Dim Score, txtScore Score = (Request.Form("Q1") * 1) + (Request.Form("Q2") * 1) + (Request.Form("Q3") * 1) + (Request.Form("Q4") * 1) + (Request.Form("Q5") * 1) + (Request.Form("Q6") * 1) + (Request.Form("Q7") * 1) + (Request.Form("Q8") * 1) If Request.Form("ToolType") = "Exceeding" Then ToolName = "Exceeding Customer Expectations" ElseIf Request.Form("ToolType") = "Motivating" Then ToolName ="Motivating and Retaining Employees" ElseIf Request.Form("ToolType") = "Unleashing" Then ToolName ="Unleashing the Power of Technology" Else ToolName = "Default" End If txtScore = "" txtScore = txtScore & "" ElseIf Score > 2 Then txtScore = txtScore & "You may have a practice worthy of recognition. " txtScore = txtScore & "Request a diagnostic questionnaire and " txtScore = txtScore & "application. Complete it and we will send you a benchmarking " txtScore = txtScore & "report." ElseIf Score < 3 Then txtScore = txtScore & "You have an opportunity to improve. " txtScore = txtScore & "Request a booklet of insights from Best Practices Awards " txtScore = txtScore & "recipients." End If txtScore = txtScore & "
" If Score > 4 Then txtScore = txtScore & "You're Best Practices material. Request an application " txtScore = txtScore & "for the 1998 Best Practices Awards.
" %>
<%=ToolName %> Quiz

You scored <%= Score %>.

<%= txtScore %>

Respond today.
There are no entrance fees associated with the Best Practices Awards, so you have nothing to lose. And because the process provides valuable feedback, you have much to gain - insights, improved business performance and potentially, international acclaim. Call 1-800-222-5257 with any questions.

<% PrintFooter %>