<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <% Response.Buffer = True %> <% Response.Expires = 5 %> <% Set bc = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType") %> <% ' Convert Browser details to a more meaningful name If bc.Browser = "IE" THEN valBrowser = "Internet Explorer" ElseIf bc.Browser = "Netscape" THEN valBrowser = "Netscape Navigator" Else valBrowser = "Unknown" END IF Browser_Details = (valBrowser & " " & bc.Majorver & "." & bc.Minorver) ' The following line decides whether the java library is included or referenced ' Internet Explorer < 4 and Netscape < 4 doesn't seem to be able to handle the java being referenced from secure channels DIM valScript, msgWarning IF bc.Majorver >= 4 THEN valScript = "ScriptServerSide" ELSE valScript = "ScriptClientSide" END IF %> <% DIM Apply_Credit_Card, Apply_Personal_Loan, Credit_Card_Type, Credit_Card_Description ' Convert parameters sent from Query string into local server side variables Apply_Credit_Card = Request.QueryString("Apply_Credit_Card") Apply_Personal_Loan = Request.QueryString("Apply_Personal_Loan") Credit_Card_Type = Request.QueryString("Credit_Card_Type") ' Convert Card Type to a more meaningful Description Select Case Credit_Card_Type Case "visaclassic" Credit_Card_Description = "Visa Classic with no interest free period" Case "visaclassic55" Credit_Card_Description = "Visa Classic with up to 55 days interest free" Case "visagold55" Credit_Card_Description = "Visa Gold with up to 55 days interest free" Case "visagold" Credit_Card_Description = "Visa Gold with no interest free period" Case "stndmaster" Credit_Card_Description = "Standard MasterCard with no interest free period" Case "stndmaster55" Credit_Card_Description = "Standard MasterCard with up to 55 days interest free" Case "goldmaster55" Credit_Card_Description = "Gold MasterCard with up to 55 days interest free" Case "goldmaster" Credit_Card_Description = "Gold MasterCard with no interest free period" Case "bankcard55" Credit_Card_Description = "Bankcard with up to 55 days interest free" Case Else Credit_Card_Description = "UNKNOWN Credit Card" End Select %> Colonial: Online Applications Step 2 <% IF valScript = "ScriptServerSide" THEN %> <% END IF %>

Colonial State Bank
<% If Apply_Personal_Loan = "yes" Then %>
Personal Loan Details
Please enter the Loan amount you require.
(Applications greater than $20,000 can not be accepted via the Internet)
Interest Rate: %pa
Please enter the desired term of the loan
Maximum term available is 5 years and 0 months. Applications for terms greater than this (up to 7 years) cannot be accepted via the Internet.
Years space Months
What is the main purpose of your loan?
Household Goods Home Renovations
Car Boat
How many applicants for this loan?
One Two

<% End If %>

<% If Apply_Credit_Card = "yes" Then %>

Credit Card Details
You have selected the following credit card:
Please request a credit limit:
<%IF Credit_Card_Type = "visaclassic" OR Credit_Card_Type = "visaclassic55" OR Credit_Card_Type = "bankcard55" THEN %>

<% End If %> <%IF Credit_Card_Type = "stndmaster" OR Credit_Card_Type = "stndmaster55" THEN%> <% End If %> <%IF Credit_Card_Type = "visagold55" OR Credit_Card_Type = "visagold" THEN %>(The minimum limit is $7500)
<% End If %><%IF Credit_Card_Type = "goldmaster55" OR Credit_Card_Type = "goldmaster" THEN%> (The minimum limit is $6000)
<% End If %>

Would you like an Additional Card Holder ?
I would like to transfer an amount from another credit card or store card to my new Colonial State Bank Credit Card account. 

<% End If %>
Colonial State Bank Details

Are you currently an existing Colonial State Bank Customer?
Yes No
Contact Details
Please enter a telephone number where we can contact you during business hours so that we can confirm your identity. (please include the area code)
Please enter an email address:

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