<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <% Function GetEmail(sArea) Select Case sArea Case "Los Angeles" GetEmail = "CSIMaster@aol.com" Case "Westlake Village" GetEmail = "CSIMaster@aol.com" Case "Phoenix" GetEmail = "CSIMaster@aol.com" Case "Woodland Hills" GetEmail = "CSIMaster@aol.com" Case "West Los Angeles" GetEmail = "CSIMaster@aol.com" Case "Irvine" GetEmail = "CSIMaster@aol.com" End Select End Function%> CSI - Display All Open Positions

Open Positions

<% If IsObject(Session("SessionData")) Then Set SessionData = Session("SessionData") Else Set SessionData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") SessionData.Open("csinc") Session("SessionData") = SessionData End If sSql = "SELECT * FROM ORDERS" '****************** Prepare Response ******************* 'Response.Write(sSql) Set rs = Sessiondata.Execute(sSql) If rs.eof Then Response.Write ("
No positions found.
") Else %>

The following positions are in the database...

<% Do While Not rs.eof sSql = "Select * From Emp Where id = " & rs("linktoemp") & ";" Set rs2 = Sessiondata.Execute(sSql) %> <%If Request.Querystring("AdminFlag") = "True" Then %> <% End If %> <%If Request.Querystring("AdminFlag") = "True" Then %> <% End If %> <%If Request.Querystring("AdminFlag") = "True" Then %> <% End If %> <%If Request.Querystring("AdminFlag") = "True" Then %> <% End If %> <%If Request.Querystring("AdminFlag") = "True" Then %> <% End If %> <%If Request.Querystring("AdminFlag") = "True" Then %> <% End If %> <%If Request.Querystring("AdminFlag") = "True" Then %> <% End If %> <%If Request.Querystring("AdminFlag") = "True" Then %> <% End If %> <%If Request.Querystring("AdminFlag") = "True" Then %> <% End If %> <%If Request.Querystring("AdminFlag") = "True" Then %> <% End If %> <%If rs("admin") <> "" then%> <% End If%> <%If rs("tech") <> "" then%> <% End If%> <%If rs("acctfin") <> "" then%> <% End If%> <%If rs("legal") <> "" then%> <% End If%> <%If rs("lthcare") <> "" then%> <% End If%> <%If Request.Querystring("AdminFlag") = "True" Then %> <% End If %> <%If Request.Querystring("AdminFlag") = "True" Then %> <% End If %> <% rs.MoveNext rs2.close set rs2 = nothing Loop %>
Order Date: <% Response.write(rs("orderdate"))%>
Company Name: <% Response.write(rs2("companyname"))%>
Contact Name: <% Response.write(rs("contact"))%>
Address: <% Response.write(rs2("address"))%>
City/State/Zip: <% Response.write(rs2("citystatezip"))%>
Phone: <% Response.write(rs2("phone"))%>
Fax: <% Response.write(rs2("fax"))%>
Email: <% Response.write(rs2("email"))%>
Notes: <% Response.write(rs2("otherinfo"))%>
CSInc Office: <% Response.write(rs2("office"))%>
Job Order ID: <% Response.write(rs("id"))%>
Industry: <% Response.write(IndustryTitle(rs("industry")))%>
Title:<%Response.write(AdministrationTitle(rs("admin")))%> <%Response.write(TechnicalTitle(rs("tech")))%> <%Response.write(AccountingFinTitle(rs("acctfin")))%> <%Response.write(LegalTitle(rs("legal")))%> <%Response.write(LongTHCTitle(rs("lthcare")))%>
Job Description: <% Response.write(rs("jobdescr"))%>
Skills: <% skillength = len(rs("skills")) Response.write(Mid(rs("skills"),2,skillength))%>
Number of People: <% Response.write(rs("numbrofpeople"))%>
Type of Contract: <% Response.write(rs("willtowork"))%>
Salary Rate Code: <% Response.write(rs("salary"))%>
Hourly Rate Code: <% Response.write(rs("hourly"))%>
Other Info: <% Response.write(rs("message"))%>
  ">Inquire regarding this job!
Please reference Job Order ID# in Subject area of your mail message
<% End If %>