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Everyone gets what they really want. An unemployed PhD--what did he want and did he get it? Probably he wanted the status of being a "doctor." Did he set a goal or have a vision of what he wanted? No? He thought that by gaining a PhD, he would be instantly showered with money? What did he think, or did he think at all, or did he just study the well-worn half-intelligent opiniated dogmas that pass for useful truths in our universities? The only people that you should listen to are those who have a personal interest in your success. What interest do your college professors have in your success? None. Their prime interest is to get the most grants, or a tenure, or whatever perks that are unrelated to the success of their students (in life). College is a conflict of interest for the professors. That is, it is not in their personal interests to give added value to that student--only to pump their head full of... Anyway. I am a firm believer that if you can conceive it, you can ...