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I just have to write another comment, following up on my positive spin on Dynamo from a while ago. After much use of Dynamo, I have changed my mind. I strongly recommend against using Dynamo for just about any project. It adds a great deal of needless complexity and is difficult to administer and maintain. The development process it forces on you is laborious and frustrating. It scales poorly and crashes often. There is pretty much nothing I like about Dynamo which I can't get from Apache JServ (basic Java Servlets), along with some open source toolkits: BitMechanic's JDBC Connection Pool, the superb Freemarker HTML templating system, Oroinc's Perl-like regex packages, etc. As someone said above, I find putting my logic into Java Servlets to work very well. With Freemarker, there is very little need to use the painful Java string handling syntax, and Java allows complicated things (like input validation) to be handled gracefully. And with JServ, classes are automaticall...