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Hi everyone!!! This is my second year at arizona state University and my major is computer science and engineering. I think that computers are so cool and exciting. Everyday you can fing out something new about them. I find this continous knowledge not to be overwelming but something that gives me an edge, keeps me sharp and on my toes. This webpage is poorly uneduated on the dinamics of worldly, explorative, the creative and fun side of computer programming. Yea school may suck and be very difficult at times. There's alot of thinking and there so many directions that a person can go but Computer programming is a fundation of knowledge that when well devolped you can intergrate ANYTHING into it. If you know how to program why would you want to sit behide a desk all day writing boring programs when you could be expanding the market of virtual reality, grasping a hold of medical science, experiencing the forbidden, exploring and conversating, playing, advancing and enjoying. NO....