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As an attorney currently practicing in New York, I thought you might be interested in West Publishing Company's latest "improvement" in service. For several years, they've offered law firms like mine a CD-ROM service with commands almost identical to those in Westlaw, allowing attorneys to do online research for a fixed monthly charge instead of $2.50/minute on Westlaw, and without having to learn a new system. The CD-ROM database was always a month or so behind, but it didn't matter because a 30-second search on Westlaw would show you whether anything newer had come down, so you hardly needed Westlaw at all. Then, about a month ago, I retrieved and printed a clean copy of a case I'd retrieved once before and discovered a change: the old printout had page numbers for both New York's official publication and West's own unofficial publication (which you can't cite to a court). The new printout of the same case shows the opening page number for both publications, but only the West pa...