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Imagine that a grand parade is about to pass before us. It is a parade of the entire population of Britain and it will last one hour. But there is something strange about this parade, something that will tell us a great deal about the society we live in. The height of the people in the parade is determined by their income---the poor are short, the rich are tall. Imagine that we, the spectators, are the average height---that is the average income for the economy as a whole. Here is what we would witness. First we see minuscule characters pass by, no taller than a match stick. They are housewives who have worked for a short time and who have nothing like an annual income. There are school kids with a part time job, FE students still living at home. It takes five minutes for them to pass. In the next five or six minutes the people passing before us become noticeably taller, but they are still the size of elves, perhaps two or three feet high. They are young people on social securit...