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As for web server platforms, another Unix to really take a look at, FreeBSD. We are running a 6000 user ISP, along with web hosting services for about 350 domains on Pentium Pro 200's. We have overbuilt our site, having a machine for each service, but it pays off when you have to do maintenance on one of those machines. With the avg. cost of a ppro 200 fully loaded for a web server being under $3000 (When using GOOD hardware, the key to having this work well) this is not something to ignore. Who ever it was using a sound card scsi card, got what he desired.. Most pc hardware is junk, you just have to sort though it and find out what is not. Mailing lists for the OS you want to use are a great place to find out, along with FAQ's. I use Intel Ppro or ASUS motherboards, Adaptec 2940uw/3940uw scsi cards, a high quality fast wide 7200rpm drive, such as a Quantum Atlas II, a Intel 10/100 ethernet card, and a good quality case with a good power supply and cooling. With a comb...