If you were to log in, you'd be able to get more information on your fellow community member.
Hey man! I clicked on the link which tells you abou 4 random people and the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius was one of them. The page says that he ruled the entire world as it was known at that time. Well, I am sure India was known to the Europeans in 121 AD AND India was not ruled by the Romans at any time. I did some research ( On the Web) and found that the por chap spent his entire life trying to defend his kingdom. Guess you cannot trust content on the Internet. ;)
Dave Clark DID NOT write the specs for either TCP or IP.The RFC for TCP (RFC 793) was written by Jon Postel. So was the one for IP (RFC 791). In fact a serch for Postel in the authors field of RFCs at www.rfc-editor.org comes up with 231 results. The earliest RFC authored by Postel is RFC 0045.
A similar search for Clark comes up with 19 results. Of these 4 are for Clarks other than D. The earliest RFC attributed to D. Clark is RFC 0813 which deals with implementation as opposed to design issues.
CONCLUSION: Dave Clark is not the creator of TCP/IP.
The foregoing does not mean that Postel is the creator of TCP/IP either. The good work was started long before he (and quite a bit earlier than Dave Clark) arrived on the scene. There were quite a few illustrious predecessors. The name of Vint Cerf comes most easily to mind. However Jon Postel's contributions to the Internet are immense; much more so than most.