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If you buy one book on the web this year and you already know HTML, make this book the one, because you're not going to learn anything from the other ones anyway.The quote you're looking for is "Why are they coming to your site? If you look at most Web sites, you'd presume that the answer is 'User is extremely bored and wishes to stare at a blank screen for several minutes while a flashing icon loads, then stare at the flashing icon for a few more minutes.'"
The book should really be called something like "Building Web Sites: How To Avoid Wasting Money". Clear ideas, no stupid hype, engaging writing. You may disagree with the concepts, but it's worth reading just to see what he has to say.
This text includes a "brain turned on" discussion of just about everything dumb in the web, from four page entrance tunnels to goofy multimedia presentations, to annoying interactive GIFs, to David Siegel. It doesn't tell you how much money you'll make putting up you...