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Maybe I'm missing the point of this item. Sure it's satirical and its primary purpose is to be funny. Some of it is. But isn't satire meant to convey some deep and biting point? Are we meant to feel sorry for people who are smart enough to get a Ph.D. and yet so lacking in initiative they can't do a little bit of legwork to find out if a Ph.D. will actually help them and so gullible that they believe the self-serving propaganda that is fed to them by other interested parties?
Appearing on the web pages of a successful MIT researcher also serves as a reminder of the rewards that are available to Ph.D. students. Sure some don't make it. But then in almost any worthwhile career path there are those who don't make it. Besides, the 2.4% of physicists and 2.7% of chemists that are reportedly unemployed hardly constitutes a crisis.
For those looking for some serious advice: go ahead and do a Ph.D. Just r...