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I've used Oracle Web Server, Netscape Livewire and Microsoft Active Server Pages extensively. I'd have to say that my favorite of the three is Oracle Web Server.I used Oracle WOW, which was the shareware version of Web Server--before Oracle wised up and realized there was money to be made, for over a year. We connected to Netscape web servers. I was with Booz Allen, a consulting firm, where my team built a "Knowledge System" for collecting and distributing intellectual capital all over the world. This huge system runs from redundant Sparc 1000s (Web Servers) and Alpha 2100s(RDBMS).
From a programmers perspective, It is a great product because it gives you--the programmer--total control. Unfortunately, this made it difficult to involve our graphics designer (a non-programmer) in the creation of the system.
Livewire and ASP, which I am currently working with, are far less complicated, and allow you to involve non-programmers to a greater degree. I would ...