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Elegant. Concise. Opinionated, offensive. Muhammad Ali takes on web publishing. This book does a very good job of explaining why there is no single approach to web publishing. Most books out there tell you how to "Publish in the Web using (insert your favorite platform here)" Philip Greenspun is the first author to come up with an articulated methodology to build web sites that add information value, and he does it by covering a myriad of different tools and explaining why and in which context they work. Although I do not agree with everything in the book (especially the author's claim that LISP is the best programming language ever), no design decision is made without a convincing explanation. Although the design philosophy fluff is pretty good by itself, he has also included enough code so that you can understand how the innards of web information systems work. Must-read for anybody who needs to do anything dealing with databases and the web.