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Wow: Looks like she USED to get what she deserved, but alas now LRRH has two mommies, and they are not white, they are pagans, and of course gay as tinkerbell (used to be 'fags', but again P.C. rules the day) I laughed alot, but you know it is scary but there are some 'earth-mother-goddess-lesbian-activist-democrats' out there that will tell you the 10 commandments are 'evil' and their unatural lifestyle is somehow something CHILDREN need to learn. Watch t.v. long enough and you get the impression the U.S. is a racist evil, oppressive nation, but I have been to nations where there is racism, and etc.. and let me tell you WE are the leaders in the way of peace, happines and opportunity. It is the Elitist rank and file socialist that belly-aches, whines and complains about "oppression' because they have been pampered all their lives, and fed bullshit for education, I say let them go to a country where running water is a luxury, then bitch about 'labels' and 'rights', of course after t...
Hahaha- the REAL Carmen (when understood) Is far more artful than some p.c. watred down bullshit, but I realize this is a joke.but trouble is in jest their lies a grain of truth..AHH but P.C. assholes cannot accept truth, it is very distateful and likewise convicts them that they are GASP* dare i say, WRONG!!