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This is in response to the moron who was touting his Lambo Diablo awhile back - dude, get real - comparing a diablo to an NSX is like comparing a Corvette to a Mitsubishi Eclipse - both are great cars with similar characteristics, but as good as the lower end car is its still a world apart. I've never really considered the NSX an "exotic" car anyway, sure its expensive but by no means inaccessable. Maybe if they up the price tag another $100,000 and add doors that open up instead of out;-) I know plenty of rich multi-millionaire families, and not a single one of them owns a Diablo even though they could easily afford it. Most of them drive a Lexus, Mercedes, or BMW - couple own Jags, 911, or Corvettes as their second car. The assumption that anybody with the money would automatically choose a Diablo is absurd. I have certainly come away from this forum with a new perspective on the NSX though - I've never really considered the fact that you can't drive a Ferrari or a Diablo on a dail...