If you were to log in, you'd be able to get more information on your fellow community member.
Like it or not, "banner advertising" seems to be the leading way to make money on the internet (perhaps only second to developing web sites). See http://www.ca-probate.com/comm_net.htm for evaluations of dozens of different banner advertising networks, brokers, exchanges, and related resources.
Like others, I really appreciate Analog as a stats program (my stats can be viewed by anyone at http://www.ca-probate.com/stats/stats.html).But for a huge number of web site developers, it is impossible to use a program like Analog because the users have no access to their site logs! For those users, the only way to get statistics would be to use a "counter" or "tracker" service. For a list of such services, see http://www.ca-probate.com/counter.htm
It is astonishing how many scumbags are using junk email to promote the most bizarre get-rick-quick schemes and scams. I've begun collecting some of the most offensive and obnoxious junk emails at My Junk Email Index Page.