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I am a former student of Cazadero Academy. I am now attending a private university in Hawaii. I first attended 'Caz' in the fall of 1993, after this incident had taken place. This article is correct, Carol Miller had handed out this information. What the article does not mention is the context in which this information was given, and the other information that was given in addition to it. This type of information is still discussed, and as before the other options are included. These other options included, abstinence, keeping the child, as well as adoption. This information, that is kept from our teens, teens that are for the most part sexually active, is concidered adult information. Society is so careful to protect the young. Yet it is the young who are becoming infected with HIV and other STDs. I realize this is a shock for many adults, the fact that these topics are being discussed. But, in my first semester of highschool at a diferent school I meet a young girl who had ...