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> Can I quote you on this in a few decades? The real answer would be to make a protocol that could accept expansion. However many addresses we specifiy (and yes, I'm aware that 340282366920938463463374607431768211456 is a long number) we will eventually find a way to use them up. > It is possible that the IPv6 technology mentioned above may not provide an adequete number of IP addresses. However, this technology will provide enough IP addresses for a world covered by computers (today's size) stacked 500 high. Probably enough to give every leaf an IP address. First, if exploration of other planets (much less other solar systems) ever gets underway, the available address space would start getting split up immediately. Second, suppose Internet connections become simple enough (remember that many things that were considered difficult or impossible 25 or 50 years ago are considered simple today) to put a small client/server into every piece of equipment connected to a phone...