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Sorry about lack of English and misspellings... Bill Gates and Eolas We have set up a page to unite webdesigners and webmasters in a protest campaign against the annoying 'Accept' button, that will start working on new IExplorer as to avoid payments of royalties. We are not willing to do the job for MS and modify or throw away our pages, we are not willing to spend hundreds of hours again on a work, that has made Internet interesting, artistic and competetive but now doesn't interest because of tactics and strange movements. We will further start a campaign to make people stop helping Mr. Gates getting richer each day, as there are hundreds of thousands of non paid helpers now who make things work. He may persist in his attitude to ruin our artistical work, but then we may also start to be fond of no helping noone anymore to install, understand or handle a single product he launches. In our opinion, this is the best we can do to avoid the elimination of a work of million...