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You guys did not understand a thing ! It is a joke to make fun of PC, yet, being myself a feminist, I find it very interesting. It is true that in fairytales, you always have the poor little princess and the strong prince who comes and saves her. Right, but can't a woman do the same ? I think this PC version quite shows an evolution: womyn can live without men, they're not dependent. Obviously, it is fine to have a man, just like a macho will still enjoy to fuck a woman, even though he thinks they're useless. Womyn do not need to be protected and put on a pedestal as one said in a previous post. No. Or not at all I'd say. A woman wants to prove she can do great things without having a man helping her and this actually annoys men, because womyn are starting to show what they can do. Also, feminists want to change women to womyn because there is the word 'men' in it. The word 'women' would either come from "woe man" or "wife man". And none is better than the other ! Because you men wh...