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Consider the less-well-known world of geodesic dome house designs. Geodesic dome homes scale wonderfully from single-person to multi-family size structures, and are particularly suited to your goals because they can span large areas with high ceilings without the need for internal bearing walls or supports. They use less material than traditional structures to enclose the same volume, and are easily mass-produced, shipped in manageable pieces, and can often be assembled quickly without heavy equipment. This last point is crucial, since when you talk about the cost of building a new structure, a very large portion of that amount is for labor. There are rather a large number of small companies that specialize in geodesic house kits and related services. For some reason, many of them are in Minnesota. There are many different approaches, some resulting in houses that look relatively similar to standard hip-roof houses, others that are more unusual, made out of aluminum struts and h...