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All images displayed in this review have been processed with Adobe Camera Raw 2.0. This early version had several shortcomings (problems with reds and general color miss-calibration) and did *not* officially support E-1 raw files. Even with the last release version (2.3), ACR needs to be calibrated to really give the most out of E-1 raw files. The three most obvious things I noticed is the general lack of contrast, lack of "pop" and a lack of sharpness in these images. ACR-processed E-1 raw files needs a significant contrast push from the default value (+25) used in this review. The lack of "pop" is also obvious to someone used to ACR and is due to the rather strong default color noise reduction (25). When you're not processing an ISO 1600 or 3200 file, I strongly suggest to set the color noise reduction to 0. Finally, without further sharpening, the default sharpness level is too low in ACR. Instead of +25, a +50 looks much better for low ISO images. All that to say that th...