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You conclude that "General Aviation" is not as safe as flying with an Airline. Some users comment that General Aviation is a hobby only. What about General Aviation Corporate Jet Companies, Rescue Operations (Medevac Jets and Helicopters) etc... I think the difference in safety is directly related to standards and quality of training. If you are a professional, no matter if at an Airline or GA outfit, your qualifications and subsequently your training is of higher standard. I think flying on a Clay Lacy Jet or any aircraft of a similar outfit is just as if not safer than an Airline (for statistics: who do you think builds up those 1000000 hours faster, a major carrier or your rental Gulfstream). Finally..what hell will aviation come to if people who do this as a "hobby" only (therefore having less qualification and training) suddenly fly little Jets up in an airspace where the above mentioned "traffic" might suddenly become a factor, not at last if you knock out a wi...
Either you have a very disturbing, unconscious cogitation that you are unaware off or you have missed the gate of "I am a smart guy and know how to articulate things without making my actual motivation to apparent". If latter applies, let me tell you: You have entered the room quiote obviously!! Quoting you: "It is currently fashionable to demonize Adolf Hitler and the Germans who voted for him and his policies." Sounds like you perceive it as wrong to demonize Adolf Hitler. It is appaling that you concoct your own, new and personal "sort of facts" in order to adjudge those who rightfully remind the needful (maybe you're own of them) about the undescribable Nazi events that took place. Quoting you: "However it is worth pointing out that Hitler original plan was not to kill Jews;.." Oh, right..so he wasn't a bad guy after all, let's forget what he did and only judge him for what he might have planned ignoring the outcome(s). Quoting you: "..he wanted to take their property ...