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Wonderful article Philip, Here are some ideas (many similar to yours) that have worked for me to retire at 51. [1] Move to a country where you are richer (I moved from the UK to the USA) Other suggestions would be: Tunisia or Morocco. [2] Learn something new that's HARD. (I took flying lessons at 45 and I am now a private pilot) Other suggestions would be: play piano, learn chess, get an MA or Phd. [3] Be creative. I draw and sculpt. Other suggestions would be: paint, garden, design stuff [4] Realize that love and sex gets better the older you are. in your 20s your inexperienced, in your 30s your making babies and money, in your forties your getting divorced, but in your 50s your relaxed and enjoying life. [5] Teach young people your skills and passions. You will both learn from each other. [6] Keep buying popular music. Don't just listen to the hits of your youth but embrace current trends and you will not turn into an old foggie with a bad haircut and drea...