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Everyone, In my own personal experience, Phil's page grossly UNDERstates the situation. Many/most of my associates from college went through this phase and then subsequently DIED. One typical case is Seppo Sari. When I was the top honors freshman math student at the U of W, Seppo was the top honors physics student there. Seppo went on to demonstrate the first variable-frequency tunable laser to earn his PhD. Then, Seppo worked on Stealth Paint and the Boeing Free Electron directed energy weapon. Eventually, unemployment hit and Seppo lost everything, including his family through divorce. Seppo then had a physical breakdown that left him unable to walk. Seppo struggled for several years to come back, but eventually died broke and depressed. In the 1970s, the Contract Entineering Weekly started publishing stories of its members who had lost everything and died or committed suicide. Everytually, complaints forced them to stop publishing these accounts. Thereafter, people died for ...