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Yes - I agree with much of what was said - but from the standpoint of a software developer! Those with an Android tablet may like to try Cloud-based tablet video editing with my Company's software: https://market.android.com/details?id=net.forscene.KestrelTest&feature=search_result PS We started off as "tablet only", but 85% of our sales were for smartphones, which we added later. The point is that these 85% didn't pay for the tablet upgrade. Most consumers already carry around a camera in their phone, many are "HD". The mass market may be editing on a phone, with possibly web access on a desktop for the hard bits. I think there are millions who would use only trivial editing - but a different audience of a relative few who spend thousands on cameras (and lenses if you go the DSLR route), where a good product proves its worth in the time saved during editing.