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The main reason people like Android is that it is "not Apple." Either they think the iOS is exactly the same as Mac OS and will not work with their Windows PCs, or Apple devices are more expensive, or they believe the hype that a device that promises more down the road (4G - coming soon! SD Card support - coming soon!) and meets a checklist of features is somehow more useful than a device that promises exactly what it delivers and limits what it promises to exactly what it is designed for. As for the consistency/lack thereof in Android and iOS, the advantage iOS has is exactly the opposite of "those four buttons." There are times when a Back button cannot be invoked. If you've just launched an app, what does Back do - take you Home? Then what's the purpose of the Home button? And why would I want to Search in a game? Apps are not just versions of web pages. They are programs that perform many and varied tasks for their users. To assume that Search and Back and Menu and Home shoul...