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The frequency 126.7 referred to in your article is no longer used for Flight services due to congestion in many areas. The best way to get the correct frequencies for flight services in the area you are flying through is from a book called the Canadian Flight Supplement, or from an app like foreflight. (if you are flying through Alberta or parts of Saskatchewan, look up "Edmonton Radio" If you are flying through BC, look up "Pacific Radio" Mannitoba and Saskatchewan, look up "Winnipeg Radio" and so on. No longer valid..."Engrave 126.7 into your brain. This is the enroute flight service frequency in Canada and oftentimes it is the only frequency monitored in remote areas. Unlike their U.S. counterparts the Canadians don't seem to monitor 121.5 at every flight service RCO. If you want to make position reports or call for help, 126.7. This frequency is not on the charts."