If you were to log in, you'd be able to get more information on your fellow community member.
HTML and GUI browsers are doing the very same thing for Internet communications that Citizen's band has done for two-way radio communications. Specifically, to aid morons to pack rainbows up each other's ass. Once upon a time, getting a transmitter license required the applicant to display some technical proficiency and a little skill on a CW keyer. Once, using a computer required some intellectual activity and a little skill at the keyboard. But....no more. The best thing about popular browsers is that they still need expensive hardware. But soon enough, lots of "two-digit" folks will get LINUX and use a browser on a 486 box. Net congestion will continue to worsen. These new folks have less discretionary income and will attract a "different breed" of advertisers. Look at the proportion of good, bad, and ugly stuff on television. Then think, "Do any y'all folks know if Jerry Springer has himself a web site now?". Serious Netizens need a software or hardware "Bullshit Filter...