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Maybe I missed something...when I was in public school beginning 40 years ago, I remember that information may have been controlled but none seemed to be denied if I could find it. Perhaps I had an advantage by realizing early that there was no requirement to actually believe what was being put forward. Shouldn't teachers spark curiosity instead of dispensing some political or religious- based rote? It seems in the 60's we began to find out that some of what we had been taught in the past was incorrect in so much as respecting points of view. Since that can no longer be hidden, the next best thing is to incorrectly teach it by making one feel responcible for the past instead of the future.
That was a cute piece (12 days). However, the above humor-challenged poster should divert his stress long enough to see that both extremes are just generating excuses and increasing the grey areas so as to hide their respective intelligence-challenged creative deficits.
What ever happened to "brevity is the soul of wit?"